Brownie Bear:
Oxford Union, Frewin Court, Oxford
Brownie Bear:
Debating Chamber Door, The Oxford Union (January 2008)
Brownie Bear:
The Oxford Union, Frewin Court, Oxford (January 2008)
Brownie Bear:
Oxford Union Buildings
Brownie Bear:
City Centre Gardens, Oxford
Brownie Bear:
Oxford Union
Brownie Bear:
Oxford Union Debating Chamber
Brownie Bear:
Gladstone Room, Oxford Union
Brownie Bear:
Collection Box (day 13 reject)
Brownie Bear:
Hand Pump
Brownie Bear:
Hand Pump
Brownie Bear:
The Purple Turtle, Frewin Court
Brownie Bear:
St Michael's Street, Oxford
Brownie Bear:
St Michael's Street, Oxford
Brownie Bear:
Brighton Union, Frewin Court, Oxford
Brownie Bear:
The Oxford Union from St Michael's Street
Brownie Bear:
Stained Glass
Brownie Bear:
Oxford Union Old Library Mural
Brownie Bear:
Getting Ready for the Ball (day 49 of 365)
Brownie Bear:
Ceiling (day 53 of 365)
Brownie Bear:
William Shakespeare (day 109 of 365)
Brownie Bear:
Oxford Union Great War Memorial
Brownie Bear:
Oxford Union Second World War Memorial
Brownie Bear:
Curzon of Kedleston's Bust
Brownie Bear:
Oxford Union Debating Chamber
Brownie Bear:
Oxford Union Panorama
Brownie Bear:
This House Believes That Scotland Should be an Independent Country
Brownie Bear:
Shakespeare, Oxford Union (2014 Week 21 of 52 Weeks)
Brownie Bear:
Oxford Union, Frewin Court
Brownie Bear:
Arc de Triomphe, Oxford Union