Brownie Bear: County Hall, Oxford
Brownie Bear: County Hall, Oxford
Brownie Bear: The Black Assizes, County Hall, Oxford
Brownie Bear: War Memorial, County Hall, Oxford
Brownie Bear: Common Room, County Hall, Oxford
Brownie Bear: The Abbey, Dorchester on Thames, Oxfordshire
Brownie Bear: Cell, The Abbey, Dorchester on Thames, Oxfordshire
Brownie Bear: Cell, The Abbey, Dorchester on Thames, Oxfordshire
Brownie Bear: Cell, The Abbey, Dorchester on Thames, Oxfordshire
Brownie Bear: Cell, The Abbey, Dorchester on Thames, Oxfordshire
Brownie Bear: Cell, The Abbey, Dorchester on Thames, Oxfordshire
Brownie Bear: Cell, The Abbey, Dorchester on Thames, Oxfordshire
Brownie Bear: Cell, The Abbey, Dorchester on Thames, Oxfordshire
Brownie Bear: Cell, The Abbey, Dorchester on Thames, Oxfordshire
Brownie Bear: The Abbey, Dorchester on Thames, Oxfordshire
Brownie Bear: The Abbey, Dorchester on Thames, Oxfordshire
Brownie Bear: The Abbey, Dorchester on Thames, Oxfordshire
Brownie Bear: The Abbey, Dorchester on Thames, Oxfordshire
Brownie Bear: The Abbey, Dorchester on Thames, Oxfordshire
Brownie Bear: The Abbey, Dorchester on Thames, Oxfordshire
Brownie Bear: Ashmolean Museum, Oxford
Brownie Bear: Ashmolean Museum, Oxford
Brownie Bear: Ashmolean Museum, Oxford
Brownie Bear: Ashmolean Museum, Oxford
Brownie Bear: Ashmolean Museum, Oxford
Brownie Bear: Ashmolean Museum, Oxford
Brownie Bear: Ashmolean Museum, Oxford
Brownie Bear: Ashmolean Museum, Oxford
Brownie Bear: Ashmolean Museum, Oxford
Brownie Bear: Ashmolean Museum, Oxford