Brownie Bear: Hardwick Hall, Derbyshire
Brownie Bear: Gog and Magog Overmantle, Hill High Great Chamber, Hardwick Old Hall
Brownie Bear: Gog & Magog Overmantle, Hill High Great Chamber, Hardwick Old Hall, Derbsyhire
Brownie Bear: Stables & Outbuildings, Hardwick Hall
Brownie Bear: Hardwick Old Hall from the Hardwick Inn
Brownie Bear: Hardwick Old Hall
Brownie Bear: Hardwick Old Hall, Derbyshire
Brownie Bear: Hardwick Old Hall, Derbyshire
Brownie Bear: Hardwick Old Hall, Derbyshire
Brownie Bear: Hardwick Old Hall, Derbyshire
Brownie Bear: View from Hardwick Old Hall showing the lakes
Brownie Bear: Hardwick Hall (from the Old Hall) Derbyshire
Brownie Bear: Fireplace, Hardwick Old Hall, Derbyshire
Brownie Bear: Balustrade remnant, Hardwick Old Hall, Derbyshire
Brownie Bear: Hill High Great Chamber, Hardwick Old Hall
Brownie Bear: Fireplace, Hardwick Old Hall
Brownie Bear: Hardwick Old Hall, Derbyshire (New Year's Day 2009)
Brownie Bear: Hardwick Old Hall, Derbyshire (New Year's Day 2009)
Brownie Bear: Hardwick Old Hall, Derbyshire (New Year's Day 2009)
Brownie Bear: Hardwick Old Hall, Derbyshire
Brownie Bear: Hardwick Old Hall, Derbyshire
Brownie Bear: Hardwick Old Hall, Derbyshire
Brownie Bear: Hardwick Old Hall, Derbyshire
Brownie Bear: Hardwick Old Hall, Derbyshire
Brownie Bear: Hardwick Old Hall, Derbyshire
Brownie Bear: Hardwick Old Hall, Derbyshire
Brownie Bear: Hardwick Old Hall, Derbyshire
Brownie Bear: Hardwick Old Hall, Derbyshire
Brownie Bear: Hardwick Old Hall, Derbyshire
Brownie Bear: Hardwick Old Hall, Derbyshire