f. bearclaw: dire fox vs halfling ranger
amy.jpg: blue cat
Totally Severe: Tim Gunn embroidery
Totally Severe: Shrute Farms embroidery
.melanie: Meet Oliver.
Oocha: Scrappy sock progress and HP3 (my fav!) #iloveagoodwip
twinfibers: all three completed!
twinfibers: parakeet and pink complete
twinfibers: Parakeet and Pink
Jo in NZ: flower
Carina » Polka & Bloom: Finished. Wish I had time to start another one. :-) #embroidery #embroideryspam #pastel
terem13: 20130413_sketchbook_ZIA_Monstera
StitchingsMyFavorite: Fruit of the Month Club
{JooJoo}: Original watercolor paintings
Carina » Polka & Bloom: Rainbow Explosion embroidered piece
decor8: Color Me Pretty: Ocean Blues
Jo in NZ: STEPS-shiny stripes
corale62: Infinito
banar: Zendala #34 Bright Owl
terem13: 20121206_sketchbook_challenge98_Keenees_unshaded.jpg
terem13: 20121128_refresher27_NSA.jpg
mabith: DMC spiral 02
mabith: DMC color project finished!
craft-tea: Post Hurricaine
sassenach: Blocking Woodland Spring! #knitting
njstacie: 1/4 Done.
Jo in NZ: bliss ink