brookeipse: Museum stairs
brookeipse: art museum stairs
brookeipse: Saturday for Stairs
brookeipse: Girders for the railway bridge at 30th Street.
brookeipse: There is light!
brookeipse: Saturday for Stairs
brookeipse: Saturday for Stairs
brookeipse: Stairs for Saturday
brookeipse: Saturday for Stairs
brookeipse: Sunshine & Shadows - Saturday for Stairs
brookeipse: Saturday for Stairs
brookeipse: Saturday for Stairs
brookeipse: Art, Reflections & Steps in the Girard Avenue Subway Station
brookeipse: Saturday for Stairs
brookeipse: Saturday for Stairs
brookeipse: Saturday for Stairs
brookeipse: she thought she would blend in, but her pink bag gave her away.....
brookeipse: he wondered if he would become abstract too...... (explored)
brookeipse: they were about to meet again....