Dave Bonta: Mantis.
Dave Bonta: Rudbeckia.
Dave Bonta: Maybe there should be a belt system for knitters, as in the martial arts. Except of course they’d be knitted belts.
pomian31: in pastel colors....
G2 Wild Images: Barred Owl
In Memoriam: Ecuador Megadiverso: Canthon smaragdulus (Fabricius 1781), Scarabaeidae from Yasuni National Park
Maxwel Rocha: Besouro "rola-bosta" (Scarabaeidae)
Magic Bubbles: Scarabaeidae
nickybay: Rhino beetle (Chalcosoma moellenkampi) - DSC_7066
Rochelle Hartman: Suggestive tree
esquetee: A young man, who most likely slept outside on the ground last night, came up to me this morning outside the library and said “Here. I just made this. It’s a marigold and a petunia. I call it a Golden Petunia. I want you to have it.” And then he walked awa
esquetee: *Now* it feels like my office.
Dave Bonta: Picking blackberries in the back forty (back 1/40th?)
eclecticlibrarian: ready for the 2015 GRD pub crawl!
esquetee: While I was stuck in sessions all week, Mark got me fabric scraps! He knows me so well.
esquetee: 10/10/10 !
gohomekiki: butterfly
jesse: L1007203.jpg
esquetee: Sorry, officer, you have to wait till I finish this chapter. #bannedbooksweek with Deschutes Public Library http://ift.tt/YWxmUu
esquetee: Tasty, tasty porter from @deschutesbeer - only at the pub! So much going on in this glass.
newrambler: read (and write)
esquetee: Color & Light
Dave Bonta: spring beauties
sbadger91: Salt Creek Falls
Michael Greenlee: Greens Blues and Reds
Beinecke Flickr Laboratory: [Commonplace Book], [late 17th Century]
Beinecke Flickr Laboratory: [Commonplace Book], [late 17th Century]
Beinecke Flickr Laboratory: [Commonplace Book], [late 17th Century]
Beinecke Flickr Laboratory: [Commonplace book], [1620s?]