cesareperdomo: IMG_3504.jpg
hoodwatch: Trust Co.
christaki: VT Sugar on Snow
Matt.Dunn: Man Walking Dog
BWKP: True story, I went out on the deck to sign up my new subscription to Nat Geo when this guy landed next door.
Adam2562: IMG_0527
Adam2562: IMG_0867
Matt.Dunn: Man with Two Black Eyes
Matt.Dunn: Lighting Cigarettes
Max Cook: Capitol Reef National Park
Max Cook: Capitol Reef National Park
lmno.p: Hoyt Street
catchesthelight: Air Conditioned
The Library of Congress: Duke P. Kahanamoku (LOC)
The Library of Congress: [Posters covering a building near Lynchburg to advertise a Downie Bros. circus] (LOC)
BWKP: Pancakes AND french toast!
digital_drifter72: 1934 Willys
digital_drifter72: 1923 Ford T-Bucket
christaki: raining railing
kris10mayx: Stone Hospital 18
Matt.Dunn: Foot Massage
kris10mayx: Silver Run Manor
KrS-NrY: Washington Monument from WWII Memorial
Brent Howe: Mt Baldy pipe