Andrea Lelio Photo: Monte Pizzoc, Foresta del Cansiglio, Italy
kaihornung-photography: they are waiting for you
Matt Oliver.: Mists of time.
Matt Oliver.: The Valley
stefano zerauschek: A Night at the Pramollo Mountain Pass (1530m a.s.l.), with Street Lighting Reverberated by the Snowcover and the Light Snowfall in Progress; Carnic Alps, FVG, Italia
Christoph Fischer: The Unveiling
andybam1955: Mist above Snainton
johnnyewright: Lake district
andybam1955: Glandford Church and the River Glaven
Frank Schauf Photography: Great Crested Grebe
Edd Allen: Darkness
andybam1955: Curious Sheep
Carlos Alberto Arias A.: Colaptes punctigula. ♂
cate♪: Tranquility at Lake Akimoto
modern purpose: Dark Woods
s2bw: First Green
Chiv3: Northern Lapwing
sdawesy1: Long Eared Owl ( Asio otus )
Ella Sosnowski: My Woodland...
Bergman, Anders: Roe Deer
Stefano B.54: Gruccioni - Gruccione - Merops apiaster
Randy Lowden: Redhead
KaAuenwasser: Nilgansküken
antoinebouyer: Hibou des marais
kirkjustett17: DSC_7431-3
usatw2000: Explore 2024/3/31
Phil Gower Bird Photography: Black-taild Godwit (URN: 2379)
Phil Gower Bird Photography: Short-eared Owl (URN: 2387)
Phil Gower Bird Photography: Short-eared Owl (URN: 2373)