brixjamora(?): love has a different color (el amor tiene un color diferente)
brixjamora(?): MAKE DIFFERENCE
brixjamora(?): midday star
brixjamora(?): flickrfire
brixjamora(?): IM NOT ALONE (yo no estoy solo)
brixjamora(?): contemporary conspiracy...underage covenant
brixjamora(?): Zayuki Hamura a.k.a. Brix Jamora (だまされないでください...)
brixjamora(?): GRAVITY
brixjamora(?): CADENA DE AGUA
brixjamora(?): begin to travel with a resting feet and when you get there you'll never get tired
brixjamora(?): she's lovely though she's not a hollywood girl - SHEN JAZMINE
brixjamora(?): though they know they would stay just for a while they set a place for them to live that marks no trouble before the eyes of men.
brixjamora(?): POLKA DOTS (new kind of fern open for reasearch) FERN
brixjamora(?): treasure: where your heart is... (MINDANAO)
brixjamora(?): the sweetest fruit of labor
brixjamora(?): tomorrow's endless pleasure lies on how we create an outporing legacy today... (RAINY DAYS)
brixjamora(?): we were dancing before but now we chose to be strangers...(RAINY DAYS)
brixjamora(?): lose control from devastating argument that only words could fight, the good fight of FAITH and FREEDOM ( pierda el control de argumento devastador que sólo palabras podrían luchar, el combate bueno de FE y LIBERTAD)
brixjamora(?): leap of faith CHUCKY DABLO
brixjamora(?): LIFE IS FREE (la vida es libre) EXPLORED! 07-18-09
brixjamora(?): drop of pearls
brixjamora(?): i didn't know i have brothers
brixjamora(?): LIFE'S COMMITMENT
brixjamora(?): STRONG BOUQUET