bringthereset: Daydreaming
bringthereset: Sydney CBD Train Station
bringthereset: Matt @ The Sydney Opera House
bringthereset: Straight out of camera photo from a plane somewhere between Brisbane and Sydney
bringthereset: Don't stop!
bringthereset: Self reflection
bringthereset: Summery flowers
bringthereset: Plantington McGee
bringthereset: Getting ready
bringthereset: Getting ready
bringthereset: Vintage sock
bringthereset: Such thin rope (correct terminology?)...
bringthereset: Vertigo
bringthereset: Prepared.
bringthereset: The queue
bringthereset: You're up...
bringthereset: To look over the shoulder of a man about to 'jump'...
bringthereset: Getting ready
bringthereset: Purple flower (another front yard shot)
bringthereset: Indifferent bee... - legacy lens test, Canon FD 50mm f1.4 manual focus
bringthereset: Straight out of camera - Front yard flower - legacy lens test, Canon FD 50mm f1.4 manual focus
bringthereset: Deftones @ The Tivoli, Brisbane - from balcony
bringthereset: Deftones @ The Tivoli, Brisbane - from the middle-front of the crowd
bringthereset: Fun with street lights
bringthereset: Bright lights
bringthereset: Deftones @ The Tivoli, Brisbane
bringthereset: Test photo of new lens over breakfast... 12mm f2.0