AndreasNikon: Panorama of Malmo Museums
stephen_tvedt: Kings of New York
kashefreza: IMG_1682.jpg
Handy Andy Pandy: 35/365: I Just Want Someone to Play with Me
Mrslochness: Fake marble
María Lawliet: Yin&Yang
Majda Bourich Photography: Who doesn't love squirrels ?!
aya1gou: Pearls
aya1gou: Refil
NailsandNoms: Ludurana Flocado 3D Flake - Chuva
NailsandNoms: Ludurana Aurora Boreal - Magnigica (camera flash)
NailsandNoms: Ludurana Aurora Boreal - Magnifica (direct sunlight)
Penélope Luz: Supremo - Ludurana
Simona Baldini: micropittura
miyoko77us: christmas nails