gc232: Dark sky - Phone wallpaper
Monja: evanescenze
AstroSamantha: "Of all the souls I have encountered.. his was the most human."
Alessandro Caglieri: Quasi un annetto fa!
Eleonora B.: Emiliano Beeston Park Run 1
AstroSamantha: Our thanksgiving dinner
AstroSamantha: Laying flowers at Yuri Gagarin's grave
l o r e n a: a Venezia
marina remi: è tornata la mia frangia portafortuna!
Alessandro Caglieri: 46+11 landing
Alessandro Caglieri: Avanti, osso di seppia!!!
l o r e n a: lost in dreams
NASA HQ PHOTO: 2011 Green Flight Challenge (1min 16sec) (explored)
colerise: takeoff
l o r e n a: Traversagna
l o r e n a: Nightmare #22
smoking_blue: the ravens.