brighterworlds: (Don't) Box it Up
brighterworlds: Independence Hall
brighterworlds: very Yertle-y
brighterworlds: Friendship gate
brighterworlds: the happy tooth
brighterworlds: what we all want, really
brighterworlds: over the Ben Franklin Bridge
brighterworlds: Betsy Ross's tiny little house
brighterworlds: where they signed the Constitution (in person)
brighterworlds: signing the Constitution (in art)
brighterworlds: Liberty Bell and Independence Hall
brighterworlds: Soldier on the streets of Philadelphia
brighterworlds: Arch Street Meeting House
brighterworlds: ghost house
brighterworlds: Ben's passage
brighterworlds: B. Free Franklin Post Office
brighterworlds: ghost house
brighterworlds: Ben and me
brighterworlds: van for me
brighterworlds: Philadelphia Idol
brighterworlds: Franklin Fragments
brighterworlds: Ben Franklin Bridge
brighterworlds: Through the Gates
brighterworlds: grave crest
brighterworlds: Mrs. Elizabeth Powell at rest
brighterworlds: Pennies for Ben
brighterworlds: Swan Fountain
brighterworlds: Swan Fountain
brighterworlds: Backwards Love