Jeff Clow: One - Two - Three
evanleavitt: Where Lonely Sits
Jodimichelle: Cottage Christmas
.sashi: burnt out minibus
Béatrice Lechtanski: Bouquet d'octobre
wwwayazdotcom: U2-2009-Chicago2-25
wwwayazdotcom: U2-2009-Foxboro1-15
cindyloughridge: The obvious is that which is never seen until someone expresses it simply
mintukka: Make your dreams come true...
meg price: Sweet Dreams Barney...
lorilea: Day 125: Silly
Me and My Photos :): Beauty in Things Yet Realized
cindyloughridge: Every day is Earth Day
*Symes*: That same good angle from last week
derbyq: more daisies
mckinleyrodgers: * my favourite beach
cindyloughridge: And when you're lost I know how to change your mood
Trisha G.: There are times I think I'm doing things on principle, but mostly I just do what feels good. But that's a principle, too.
Trisha G.: The guy ain't right.
Trisha G.: cursed with an unerring sense of directionlessness even when things are going well.
Trisha G.: Now face north.
redcipolla: Summer memories
ecstaticist - Farewell to the Golden Age
JMSF415: Midnight Love
lorilea: Day 42: Peeking
© el_ultimo: wildflowers
Express Monorail: Disney - Dumbo at Night (Explored)
Jaki Good Miller: reminiscing in yellow