brighterworlds: take the wheel
brighterworlds: view of Baltimore from our hotel room
brighterworlds: view from Federal Hill across the harbor
brighterworlds: Federal Hill, Baltimore
brighterworlds: all those damn believe signs
brighterworlds: red mural, Federal Hill, Baltimore
brighterworlds: how can words ever express...
brighterworlds: football is next to godliness
brighterworlds: captain, water taxi, Baltimore harbor
brighterworlds: Mr. Natty Boh
brighterworlds: Dear Fells Point, we loved your beer
brighterworlds: Baltimore harbor, through the wheel
brighterworlds: Fells Point's Recreation Pier, Baltimore
brighterworlds: my husband climbs a very tall tower (and lives to climb back down)
brighterworlds: on board the Constellation
brighterworlds: shot tower