Aiel: Crimson-backed Sunbird (Small Sunbird) (female) (Leptocoma minima), Munnar - Kallar, Kerala
{T..he Magic Box Photographie}*: |• \| Tuneful ..//..//..//
{T..he Magic Box Photographie}*: mentally am i here }•{ creating loveliness?
{T..he Magic Box Photographie}*: seeing all the appearañces ~
Edinburgh Nette ...: the phantom choir?
buddhadog: An Old Underwood Typewriter All in Black and White
buddhadog: Just Missed It By This Much
buddhadog: But I just had to try out this AI program on her face ::: To Create this Encircled Extreme Facial Close-up
buddhadog: Om in Colorful Circular Waves
spiderorchid: Italy - Foppe di Nadro - Riserva Naturale Incisioni Rupestri di Ceto, Cimbargo e Paspardo - Rock 28A
10b travelling (sorry: glitch, so resubmitting): Papua New Guinea 2023 untitled [bc2445]
Martin M. Miles: Marseille - Grotte Cosquer
ihynz7: detail, Remedies Varo, "The Juggler" (The Magician)", 1956
JcPons: remedios-varo-1
spiderorchid: Western Australia - Talga Pool - Petroglyph - TA017I
spiderorchid: Western Australia - Talga Pool - Petroglyph - TA023B
bag_lady: Door detail - Nepal 2011
bag_lady: Window detail - Nepal 2011
covertpen: Aboriginal aliens
spiderorchid: Western Australia - Walga Rock Aboriginal Rock Art Site
IntrepidXJ: Overhead Pictographs
IntrepidXJ: Two Faces
Edinburgh Nette ...: il pianista
IntrepidXJ: The Hunter
IntrepidXJ: Red & Green Dots
IntrepidXJ: Small Panel
IntrepidXJ: Weavers Cave Style
IntrepidXJ: Lines
IntrepidXJ: Moose Petroglyph