briethe: Oia
briethe: Is it Caturday yet?
briethe: Tea time in Fes
briethe: Enroute to the #desert
briethe: Overview of Marrakech
briethe: parliament-moon_o
briethe: Sparkles
briethe: Practicing for his GQ cover
briethe: Munich in love
briethe: Me meme! Pick me! Pick meeeee!
briethe: Through the (looking) glass
briethe: Beautiful goodbyes
briethe: It just never gets old
briethe: Where the metrobüs magic happens
briethe: The sun will rise, the sun will set...
briethe: Now the little Beast is even after my wine! The nerve!
briethe: Bitte Ausfahrt frei halten
briethe: New Year's Eve eve in da 'hood
briethe: Foggy night in Munich
briethe: Bedroom eyes
briethe: Purry beast on my lap and, after a steely gray day, this happening outside my window. Welcome home.
briethe: Ohhhhh - look who still likes chin-scritches!
briethe: Finally Belgrade's kittehs come out to play /pose
briethe: Can someone please tell me why they don't make buildings like this anymore?
briethe: Budapest, you're looking a mite grumpy this morning. Is that any way to greet a friend you haven't seen in 21 years?
briethe: More fairytale cathedrals
briethe: Transylvania, you don't do a bad sunset, either
briethe: Castle of Vlad the Impaler, a.k.a Dracula
briethe: Looking more like a fairytale castle than an orthodox cathedral, but I love it anyway
briethe: Life imitates art imitates life