brieflives: Urban Fox
brieflives: Urban fox 2
brieflives: Urban fox
brieflives: Heart puddle
brieflives: Brickwork Bristol
brieflives: 56 Corn St Bristol
brieflives: All Saints Church sign Bristol
brieflives: Ceanes. Bristol
brieflives: Bracket fungus
brieflives: Hawthorn berries
brieflives: hawthorn berries
brieflives: leaf
brieflives: Forest floor, partial sunlight
brieflives: Cobnuts
brieflives: Bracket Fungus on Birch
brieflives: Slug and toadstool
brieflives: Slug Eating Toadstool
brieflives: PA150050
brieflives: Beech leaves
brieflives: Bracket Fungus 2
brieflives: Bracket Fungus
brieflives: Crediton Parish Church
brieflives: Crediton Parish Church
brieflives: Octopus posing
brieflives: Octopus
brieflives: P9090116
brieflives: P9090114
brieflives: Heron and Octopus 3
brieflives: Heron and Octopus, Crediton
brieflives: Heron and Octopus 2