bricksandplates: "She's confident like a boss"
bricksandplates: "Mother's Day"
bricksandplates: "Being followed"
bricksandplates: "Stress relieving​ walk"
bricksandplates: "Taking a break"
bricksandplates: "Sleep walking"
bricksandplates: "Putting the rubber back on the AKG"
bricksandplates: " Bringing home the bacon"
bricksandplates: "Feeling the pain, yeah it's Monday"
bricksandplates: "As we stand and watch the last sunset on this weekend set, we gear up and prepare for the work week that lay before us."
bricksandplates: "Disguised Jedi" It's been a while since I did any lightsaber effects.
bricksandplates: "Dunce" "You have shamed the good name of the Empire, go forth and walk in the suit of humiliation so that everyone will know that you're a banana."
bricksandplates: "He's going the wrong way, I mean seriously it must be hot as heck in that suit. I'd be diving into the water."
bricksandplates: "Life is never calculated"
bricksandplates: "Mystical creature"
bricksandplates: "Power of the ocean" Just timing this shot trying to capture the splash behind was difficult, especially with an old smartphone that takes a second to capture the image.
bricksandplates: "That's​ a negative, I've lost sight of the Joker"
bricksandplates: "Freaky Friday"
bricksandplates: "Enjoying a bike ride"
bricksandplates: "The huh look"
bricksandplates: "Playing to nature"
bricksandplates: "The, Where the hell am I, look" -lost
bricksandplates: "All down hill from here" FRIDAY!! ✌
bricksandplates: "Watching over Waianae"
bricksandplates: "Take a picture or run away"
bricksandplates: "In the wild"
bricksandplates: "Fishing"
bricksandplates: "Egg hunting"
bricksandplates: "Distant star"