briantologist: huhuh. huhuh. huhuh.
briantologist: cutthroat competitor of Chico's
briantologist: Any Ween fans out there?
briantologist: E.B. D.C.
briantologist: 'buckin it.
briantologist: whaaa?
briantologist: Meet me at Orange Julius.
briantologist: ?????
briantologist: "Crushed by rail cars, all."
briantologist: Giant Fish!
briantologist: puff!
briantologist: GAAARRRRR!!!! And something else.
briantologist: ewwww.
briantologist: "Hey."
briantologist: purty
briantologist: liiiiiips!
briantologist: Not taking calls.
briantologist: DO NOT LOOK SARAHBROWN.
briantologist: whoom!
briantologist: creeeeeeeepy
briantologist: skink butt!
briantologist: croco-hands
briantologist: "Where the Magic Happens."
briantologist: General Services.
briantologist: Oooo! Monument! Monument!
briantologist: god bless 'murka
briantologist: Indyyyyyy
briantologist: performance-based initiatives
briantologist: !!!!!!