RobynAnderson: 2017-02-10-03
RobynAnderson: 2016-04-18-01
helenjane: Looking down a week of good stuff. It's going to be a good one, I can tell.
Avanaut: The Field of Summer Dreams
RobynAnderson: "Hello innernets peoples I am #RiverTheKitty, I am a young adult kitty (the lady isn't sure how old I am, but she'll find out), and I needed a break from the cage at #Petsmart, so I've come to the #CrookedAcresSpa for a few weeks to rest, relax, and race
helenjane: "Why do you say this "Should" word so much?"
RobynAnderson: 2014-04-22-08
Pupipanu: destiny
U.S. National Archives: Letter to President Gerald Ford from Anthony Ferreira a Third Grader at Henry B. Milnes School
U.S. National Archives: Sunrise On Lake Michigan With Chicago Shown In The Background. The City Has Provided A Climate For Developing Black Resources And Is Considered The Black Business Capital Of The United States, 03/1974
craigemorsels: Awesome Brian
NathanGunter: Stop dragging my heart around! @brianbyrne
Lost Tulsa: Freddie's Hamburgers
David Fullarton: Apology 28
Moi of Ra: Next-door's cat (well, still a kitten really) on a snowy fence.
craigemorsels: self-sufficient
craigemorsels: Zoe and Alastair
RobynAnderson: 2012-02-14 (12)
RobynAnderson: F2011-04-15-05
Aunt TK: Squirrelfriend
Pupipanu: this was very mysterious
Pupipanu: Augie loves to put his junk on the floor
Pupipanu: surprised
tifotter: Great laptops make great neighbors
tifotter: BIG belly
chris johnson.: Mid Blizzard Beneath The L
swanksalot: Firetruck In A Blizzard