brewbooks: Castilleja hispida
brewbooks: Chimaphila menziesii
brewbooks: Delphinium
brewbooks: Delphinium
brewbooks: Western Rattlesnake Plantain
brewbooks: Fuligo septica
brewbooks: Calypso bulbosa orchid
brewbooks: Trillium ovatum in forest
brewbooks: green false hellebore
brewbooks: White marsh marigold, elkslip
brewbooks: IMG_20180623_103655
brewbooks: A nice patch of Trillium
brewbooks: Caloscypha fulgens
brewbooks: Viola glabella
brewbooks: Cascade Crest 100 trailwork team
brewbooks: Polemonium californicum
brewbooks: Bark beetle tracks
brewbooks: Green false hellebore
brewbooks: Green false hellebore with ants
brewbooks: Mertensia paniculata
brewbooks: Mertensia paniculata
brewbooks: Penstemon rupicola
brewbooks: Lewisiopsis tweedyi
brewbooks: Lewisiopsis tweedyi basal leaves
brewbooks: Columbia lily
brewbooks: IMG_20180623_143120