brewbooks: Tallest Douglas Fir in Boeing Creek Park
brewbooks: Silver Fir - Crystal Peak Trail
brewbooks: Our Lunch Spot at Chesler Park
brewbooks: Our Lunch Spot at Chesler Park
brewbooks: Abies koreanana 'Silver show'
brewbooks: Abies procera 'Blau hexe'
brewbooks: Abies procera 'Blau hexe'
brewbooks: Abies koreanana
brewbooks: Bryoria on Subalpine Fir
brewbooks: Leaning tree, Washington Park
brewbooks: Larches at Headlight Basin
brewbooks: Among Bristlecone Pines
brewbooks: Among Bristlecone Pines
brewbooks: Small clumps of subalpine fir, above Spray Park
brewbooks: Douglas Fir Down - Thunder Creek Trail
brewbooks: Washington Park
brewbooks: Cypress Island and Guemes channel
brewbooks: Western Hemlock growing from nurse log stump
brewbooks: IMG_20140922_110018_683
brewbooks: Western White Pine removal
brewbooks: Pete and Lone Pine
brewbooks: Mule Deer and Ponderosa Pine on Echo Ridge
brewbooks: Pete and Lone Pine
brewbooks: Whitebark Pine
brewbooks: Whitebark Pine
brewbooks: Douglas Fir downed
brewbooks: Douglas Fir downed
brewbooks: Douglas Fir downed
brewbooks: Exploring Chesler Park
brewbooks: Pinyon Pine Bark