brewbooks: Ladybug (Coccinellidae)
brewbooks: Red Beetle (maybe Dictyopterus aurora)
brewbooks: Trillium ovatum with Pollinator
brewbooks: Long horn borer beetle
brewbooks: Ladybug on Rock
brewbooks: Trillium ovatum with Pollinator
brewbooks: Trillium ovatum with Pollinator
brewbooks: Beetle walking on Slickrock
brewbooks: Two Fighting (or Mating) Beetles - West Rim Trail
brewbooks: Two Fighting (or Mating) Beetles - West Rim Trail
brewbooks: Two Fighting Beetles - West Rim Trail
brewbooks: Unknown Beetle - Umtanum Ridge
brewbooks: White spotted Pine Sawyer Attack
brewbooks: Long horn borer beetle, Monochamus sp.
brewbooks: Long horn borer beetle, Monochamus sp.
brewbooks: Snail-Eating Beetles (Genus Scaphinotus)
brewbooks: Willow Leaf Beetle (Chrysomela aeneicollis)
brewbooks: Darkling beetle
brewbooks: Darkling beetle
brewbooks: Beetles on Penstemon
brewbooks: Beetles on Penstemon