brewbooks: Ghost Photo without Processing
brewbooks: Ghost Photo with Processing
brewbooks: Canyon Rim near Sunrise
brewbooks: Canyon Rim near Sunrise
brewbooks: Canyon Rim near Sunrise
brewbooks: Canyon Rim near Sunrise
brewbooks: Canyon Rim near Sunrise
brewbooks: Canyon Rim near Sunrise
brewbooks: Heading South
brewbooks: Heading South
brewbooks: Some interesting geology
brewbooks: Interesting Peak (Buddha temple?) - Heading into the Box
brewbooks: Lichenville
brewbooks: Looking Up near the Rim
brewbooks: Transition to Vishnu Schist
brewbooks: Transition to Vishnu Schist
brewbooks: Vishnu Schist (I think)
brewbooks: Vishnu Schist and another Precambrian rock
brewbooks: Hiking through Vishnu Schist
brewbooks: Hiking through Vishnu Schist
brewbooks: Hiking through "The Box" Vishnu Schist
brewbooks: Zoroaster Granite
brewbooks: Zoroaster Granite with Intrusion
brewbooks: Walking through the Basement Rock
brewbooks: Walking through the Basement Rock
brewbooks: Datura wrightii ( Sacred Datura)
brewbooks: Arriving at Phantom Ranch
brewbooks: Bright Angel Campground
brewbooks: Phantom Creek
brewbooks: Black Bridge across Colorado River