BrettMorrison: Lake Louise, Banff, Alberta, Canada
BrettMorrison: Fairmont Banff Spring Hotel
BrettMorrison: The Trees on Stephen Avenue Calgary
BrettMorrison: Beakerhead 4 to 6 Event - Walking on a Non-Newtonian Fluid
BrettMorrison: Panorama of downtown Calgary
BrettMorrison: A pinhole photo of downtown Calgary. It's taken with a 6x12 Medium Format wooden camera that I received for backing Ondu on Kickstarter. The field of view is WAY wider than I thought it would be. Film was TMax.
BrettMorrison: Beakerhead inflatable, self-supporting net structure
BrettMorrison: Beakerhead: El Pulpo Mecanico
BrettMorrison: Lighting the flames of El Pulpo Mecanico
BrettMorrison: Art Detail of the Bass Bus
BrettMorrison: Beakerhead's Laser Cat and Trampoline
BrettMorrison: A Beakerhead Tricycle Art Car
BrettMorrison: Florescent Green Kitchen at Beakerhead
BrettMorrison: Live Music at Container for Beakerhead
BrettMorrison: Downtown Calgary Skyline in Winter
BrettMorrison: The Bow River Freezing Over Calgary, Alberta
BrettMorrison: Snow covered statue on Calgary's Stephen Avenue
BrettMorrison: Ohotny Ryad Mall Ceiling in Moscow Russia -- near Red Square
BrettMorrison: Houston Skyline framed by the Aquarium Ferris Wheel
BrettMorrison: An Alphabet Experiment with Hipstamatic
BrettMorrison: Playing geoguessr... can you guess this location?
BrettMorrison: Bluebonnets on a MS150 Training Ride
BrettMorrison: Lily Playing the Piano
BrettMorrison: Golden Petrified Wood at HMNS
BrettMorrison: Rodeo Run Registration at Luke's Locker
BrettMorrison: Rodeo Trail Riders in Downtown Houston
BrettMorrison: Rodeo Trail Scratch: Riders in Downtown Houston
BrettMorrison: Rawwr! T-REX up close at HMNS
BrettMorrison: Tree wrapped in Christmas Lights at City Center Houston
BrettMorrison: Lily's Valentine Note (Left) Edited by Dad (Right)