BrentOzar: TechEd Show Floor
BrentOzar: TechEd Keynote
BrentOzar: Peabody Ducks
BrentOzar: The Peabody Ducks giving their #msteched session
BrentOzar: The #msteched panel discussions are a little more violent this year.
BrentOzar: Speaker registration is a zoo! #msteched
BrentOzar: Alright, who's up for a pool party? #msteched
BrentOzar: Another day, another huuuuge #msteched keynote.
BrentOzar: Watching @ilikesql and @sqlrockstar set up at #msteched
BrentOzar: The West Coast Customs Windows machine just got unveiled #msteched
BrentOzar: Dandy Sean and Tom Presenting 2
BrentOzar: Dandy Sean and Tom Presenting
BrentOzar: West Coast Customs Mustang with Windows 1
BrentOzar: West Coast Customs Mustang with Windows 2
BrentOzar: West Coast Customs Mustang with Windows 3
BrentOzar: West Coast Customs Mustang with Windows 4
BrentOzar: West Coast Customs Mustang with Windows 5
BrentOzar: Sessions or pool, sessions or pool... #msteched
BrentOzar: Huuuuge hands on labs area at #msteched with some great labs
BrentOzar: Man cannot live on sessions alone #msteched
BrentOzar: Onstage at #msteched doing a SQL 2012 workshop. Hi, Mom!
BrentOzar: Getting ready for the nightly parade
BrentOzar: End of the duck working day
BrentOzar: The Parade of the Ducks
BrentOzar: Looking Out at My Attendees