BrentOzar: WaMu News
BrentOzar: Looks like Coffee Groundz got a new router and left the default password
BrentOzar: Extension cord across the street - neighbor helping neighbor in Pasadena
BrentOzar: No need to panic, we're stocked up
BrentOzar: Saturday temptation
BrentOzar: I didn't even know you were protecting it.
BrentOzar: Ernie waits for Erika to emerge from Kroger
BrentOzar: What Ernie Does When I'm Gone
BrentOzar: Southwest's boarding areas have powered USB outlets. Nice!
BrentOzar: Not bad for a tropical storm
BrentOzar: I picked the wrong time to run out of soy sauce
BrentOzar: Downtown Randall's before Edouardo
BrentOzar: Wired - some things never change
BrentOzar: Brunch at Empire Cafe
BrentOzar: Ernie's idea of a table with a view
BrentOzar: Grocery run
BrentOzar: Houston, Jul 19, 2008
BrentOzar: Waiting in line
BrentOzar: Scooter's Shipley Storage
BrentOzar: Not sure which one is more comical
BrentOzar: Not your average Houston vehicle
BrentOzar: Almost showtime
BrentOzar: 35 minutes to showtime
BrentOzar: The Dollar Store, Houston Style
BrentOzar: Pre-fireworks champagne and crepes at Coco's
BrentOzar: 2005 Wrangler, 4 liter, 6 cylinder, 173 miles, 15 gallons, $60. Many ugly numbers.
BrentOzar: Time for the Jeep to get some professional help.
BrentOzar: Ernie lounging
BrentOzar: Caroline Collective: The Morning After
BrentOzar: Caroline wall display