Ryan Brenizer: Dougie Under Glass
aEthEr hEad: Nicolette (Unoss Seina)
jakerome: Quincy, Ropes Course foreman
jakerome: Big Media isn't going down without a fight!
jakerome: D'namur
Jamoor: Wholphin
jay j wilkie: fire water
jay j wilkie: chillaxed cat
samthe8th: me and a DPRK soldier
Philip Grisewood: Henry Rollins for Huck Magazine
chloe & ivan: Occupied Donuts for Jakerome
jakerome: Where's my donut?
jakerome: SurfDaddy
swissrolli: the final stretch
jakerome: Crew
jakerome: And scene
Handcanons: Erik Wright's Sunset
All-seeing Angler.: 'That' look...
The Huntington Library: Setting the Stage
jakerome: Day of the Donut 4: "We DEMAND it!"
winnie0917: H+J: Wedding
jay j wilkie: dottie bobottie
<3~Kristin~<3: One drop of water....
Jay Fine: NY Harbor Wednesday Night