David Uzochukwu: Horizons.
Elizabeth Gadd: Golden Sunrise
neamoscou: a l l g r e a t a n d p r e c i o u s t h i n g s a r e l o n e l y
The 10 cent designer: 25 km of canoeing & 5 days of back country camping in wind, sleet, snow & cold. Best time ever. We made chocolate cake & decadent bacon apple crisp in our Dutch oven, cooked our dinners over open coals & shared drinks and tall tales with a small bunch of
Jóannis Sørensen: Reflected village
manyfires: live by love though the stars walk backward
Alex Mazurov: Spitsbergen
eyetwist: supai motel / route 66. seligman, az. 2015.
Elizabeth Gadd: Moment of Bliss
Elizabeth Gadd: Unwavering
Elizabeth Gadd: Wanderer
chicken strip: El Capitan.
MannyAcosta: Just go
Dave Hoefler: Questions
Dave Hoefler: Another World
Dave Hoefler: Let The Sea Be Your Muse
Dave Hoefler: Defeat
Careless Edition: midnight wandering