brenda.: Taking off
brenda.: Looking for little fish
brenda.: Interesting meetings
brenda.: Sunset tea
brenda.: sooooo much food
brenda.: fountain!
brenda.: some church I walked by while I was lost
brenda.: cat graffiti
brenda.: that is a big candle
brenda.: adventurers
brenda.: punch bug!
brenda.: church floor
brenda.: indiana andrea
brenda.: me in my chiara dress looking at patisseries
brenda.: shadow people in syracusa
brenda.: eating funny ice cream in the alcantara gorge
brenda.: climbing around the alcantara gorge
brenda.: lava flow behind the farm
brenda.: funiculars are FUN
brenda.: almost snowboarding
brenda.: and down!
brenda.: watching Maël in action
brenda.: silly hats
brenda.: taking a friend for a ride
brenda.: on our way up a volcano
brenda.: one of my favourite things ever!
brenda.: beach with fish
brenda.: etna : it's a cloud magnet
brenda.: and my little sheep is nearly finished
brenda.: this park you can boulder on a big boulder