Crispimagery: pooh toy-1
Crispimagery: pooh_haircut-2
Crispimagery: winston_bro--1
Crispimagery: sollyattack-1
Sew wot!: laying low
Sew wot!: Walkies
Sew wot!: Ahh, that was nice
Sew wot!: Cloudy water And one more......... Monty! Monty.... Monty.... Monty I think he and Dyson have some sort of deal So regal... At least Monty thinks so Abby doing a one legged push-up
Immature Animals: Brown Bear the 9 Week Old Chow Puppy
Crispimagery: babywinnie-1
Crispimagery: winnie_mohawk_walk-1
Crispimagery: winnie_rest--1
Crispimagery: Winnie
Crispimagery: sleepy_winnie-1
Crispimagery: spring_x100s-3
Crispimagery: spring_x100s-1
Crispimagery: winnie_yawn-1
sprinkle happiness: The Explosion of Colors 42/52
sprinkle happiness: The Artist
sprinkle happiness: Questionable
sprinkle happiness: #Flickr12Days
sprinkle happiness: Tangled Lights
Sew wot!: Indian Summer