brandicus: IMG_1426
brandicus: going home...
brandicus: Two-of-a-Kind
brandicus: ...anything biting?
brandicus: the great atlantic
brandicus: Weird.
brandicus: This changes everything about Redi-Whip.
brandicus: Anything in my teeth?
brandicus: palm trees?
brandicus: while you were napping...
brandicus: meticulous brownicus
brandicus: think green.
brandicus: krystle & kenny
brandicus: generation to generation
brandicus: the nut doesn't fall far...
brandicus: hmm... what's this?
brandicus: nothing like new toys at christmas
brandicus: "GILMORE GIRLS IS ON!
brandicus: thanks chad again.
brandicus: i found him at the park
brandicus: "Look Ma, NO BUTT!"
brandicus: whats that in your eye?
brandicus: k*b shoe shot
brandicus: elmo chair... $24.99
brandicus: playing it off
brandicus: skater boy
brandicus: loooooney string!
brandicus: get to work.
brandicus: oops. i forgot her name.