bibliogrrl: DSC05532
bibliogrrl: DSC05559
mrwaterslide: Post-Mortem, Tintype, Young Girl
Photo_History: Post Mortem Daguerreotype of a Baby on a Sofa * New scan
sunbeer: Another tear falls in a garden of stone
sphenoid05: 372549266_b7e24ca00d_m
sphenoid05: 29a7_3
sphenoid05: pic-pm-fram
sphenoid05: m3186a
sphenoid05: jr-31
sphenoid05: PM071126
Photo_History: Pre or Post Mortem Daguerreotype of a Young Woman *Reconsidered and brought to the top of my photostream
Legolam: Don't Exercise Too Hard!
J. Star: The happiness that attends disaster
dhmspector: Depression is a Flaw in Chemistry, Not Character
East Beast: IMG_6005