Bradford Woodworking:
Ready for the polar vortex ! #firewood
Bradford Woodworking:
New Years Resolution. Waste not,want not. Giving new life to my shorty pencils. #pencils
Bradford Woodworking:
Back at the drawing board after a successful open house. Thank you all who came out to support us !
Bradford Woodworking:
All set with our Open House ! Today and Tomorrow.
Bradford Woodworking:
Starting today, running through the weekend. Open House. Featuring the work of Thomas Mann, Brad Smith, Rachel Isaac and Royce Yoder.
Bradford Woodworking:
Pretty good selection in the Scratch & Dent Dept. in this years Open House ! Check the website
Bradford Woodworking:
Settled in for the next three days at the Philadelphia Museum of Art Contemporary Craft Show. Stop and say “Hi”, I’m right at the entrance, booth #501. #pmacraftshow
Bradford Woodworking:
This show business under the lights is soo glamorous ! #pmacraftshow
Bradford Woodworking:
New Handsaw Headboard will debut this weekend at the PMA (Philadelphia Museum of Art Craft Show). #pmacraftshow #madebyhand #craftnowphl #contemporarycraft
Bradford Woodworking:
Last day in Rittenhouse Square. The “Yaba Daba Doo Table” still looking for a home. Maybe yours ! #paguildofcraftsmen #paguildmasterartisan #rittenhousesquare
Bradford Woodworking:
Introducing the “Flintstone Table” at the Rittenhouse Square Show in Philadelphia this weekend. Stop by and say “hi”. #rittenhousesquare #rittenhousesquarecraftshow #paquildcrafts
Bradford Woodworking:
Morning light in the shop.
Bradford Woodworking:
I’m pleased to have been selected in the Wharton Esherick Museum’s annual competition. It’s a honor to be showing with so many fine artist/craftspeople.
Bradford Woodworking:
Great new client picked -up this table today. #coffeetable
Bradford Woodworking:
Set-up and ready to sell ! Long’s Park Art Festival #longsparkartfestival
Bradford Woodworking:
Setting up at Long’s Park. #longspark
Bradford Woodworking:
Three’s a crowd. New steel table bases, well- made by my fabricator. #table
Bradford Woodworking:
Bill Keyser was one of my profs at RIT. Here he is paying tribute to his co-teacher, Doug Sigler, at a gathering at Penland to celebrate Doug and the impact he had on so many people. It was a great reunion with old friends.
Bradford Woodworking:
Table delivery. I got there right before the pizza guy.
Bradford Woodworking:
This mouse just took an unplanned 1/2 mile trip on my truck side ! #mouse
Bradford Woodworking:
This cart-load of blanks will become Ax Handle Stool legs. #axhandles #axhandlestools
Bradford Woodworking:
This client picked up his table today. Now I know why he wanted it only 28” high !
Bradford Woodworking:
Delivered this big Cherry table today. The beam-legs come through the top.
Bradford Woodworking:
Last day of the Pa. Guild Show in Rittenhouse Square. #paguildofcraftsmen #paguild #paguildmasterartisan
Bradford Woodworking:
Saturday morning in Rittenhouse Square. Stop by and visit. #rittenhousesquare #paguildshow
Bradford Woodworking:
Beautiful day to be showing in Rittenhouse Square. #paguildofcraftsmen
Bradford Woodworking:
I got to meet @woodenlaser today. He is setting up his saw to cut beveled siding. Nobody got hurt !
Bradford Woodworking:
Sawmill Day ! #sawmill #sawmillbusiness #woodmiser
Bradford Woodworking:
Cutting teeth on a new batch of Cane-Saws. #canesaws #handsaw
Bradford Woodworking:
New table in the works. Beam legs will pierce the top. #table