Tifaeris: Hermine (Mustela erminea)
sdawesy1: Osprey ( Pandion haliaetus )
tony.cox27: SPANISH IMPERIAL EAGLE ( Explore 02.04.2024 )
KHR Images: Crossbill
Deida 1: Bathing Beauty ( Coal Tit)
David Hall DRH Photography: Revisiting An Old Friend
NicoleW0000: Northern Harrier
KHR Images: Crested Tit
NicoleW0000: Oh look a Feather Duster
Lorraine Culloch: Short Ered Owl
Jeff Lack Wildlife&Nature: DSC5045 Snow Bunting..
sdawesy1: Barn Owl ( Tyto alba )
David Hall DRH Photography: The Winter Collection
NicoleW0000: On the hunt
KHR Images: White-Tailed Eagle
Deida 1: Kokkari (Samos)
Tifaeris: Plongeon arctique (Gavia arctica)
timray93: Eared Grebe
NicoleW0000: Discreetly Protective Mom
Jeff Lack Wildlife&Nature: DSC0167 Redstart
ejwwest: Looking at you!
KHR Images: Red Fox