Rikard Ambric Photography: Gaudi Leaf Frog
gcalsa: testa
gcalsa: Landing
SeeAmericasBest: IMG_2934 Bighorn Sheep, Yellowstone National Park
thomasvorwerg: Wildgans
JohKl: Sunset
conwest_john: inukshuk - full on
captureamoment2009: Full House
captureamoment2009: hummingbird
hernanpba: Pléyades
RALPHKE: Drops on a wire...
Subdive: Apocalyptica #2
Kahpir: Shy
conwest_john: about the tur baby
conwest_john: siblings
omtelsimon: IMG_0658 Thiania Bhamoensis , jumping spider!
hellboy2503: Gemeine Wespe (Vespula vulgaris)
Cog2012: IMG_7438
tubasa-wings: "my favorite place!"
Annwin Shaju Photography: Water drops When rain drop falls on leaf it stays there ,not willing to drop down.
geishatara: Vos,Fox,(Vulpes vulpes).
Tom Rop: Mouche verte
Christian ±π: the monster