ffshoe: Sears Modern Homes 1928, Kimberly
oschene: Diatomic
Laangen: Little Turtle
nervous system: Flask Sponge - Leucettusa lancifer
nervous system: Cliona celata sponge ?
nervous system: japan trip
nervous system: script lichen
nervous system: polypore fungi
nervous system: Ceratiomyxa fruticulosa slime mold
nervous system: Ceratiomyxa fruticulosa slime mold
nervous system: Orange Sheath Tunicate (Botrylloides violaceus)
nervous system: underneath a barnacle
nervous system: Crustose lichen
nervous system: interesting gill pattern
nervous system: wavy gills
nervous system: bolete pores
nervous system: short blade-like gills
nervous system: Kettlewort (Blasia pusilla)
nervous system: mud cracking at Hverir
nervous system: Trametes elegans?
nervous system: terrace formations around stokkur
Eva Funderburgh: "Triumph"
E. Keyes: IMG_2102
nervous system: Pholiota mushrooms
Brian and Eowyn: P1320162
Jana Roberts Benzon: this could be plant OR animal!
nervous system: paint wrinkling
Ant Ware: Linda Shipley #cup #ceramics #pottery #mugshotmonday