bozigle factory ☮ Bambú:
Sara not in the mood
bozigle factory ☮ Bambú:
Teacher looking up
bozigle factory ☮ Bambú:
Being a good audience
bozigle factory ☮ Bambú:
big clowns do cry
bozigle factory ☮ Bambú:
Laura Burton's style
bozigle factory ☮ Bambú:
Expressive attention
bozigle factory ☮ Bambú:
Question marks in Sara's eyes
bozigle factory ☮ Bambú:
And it is that simple
bozigle factory ☮ Bambú:
Paying good attention to the teacher
bozigle factory ☮ Bambú:
So strong shape to play with
bozigle factory ☮ Bambú:
Leaving in a hurry
bozigle factory ☮ Bambú:
Me? noooo
bozigle factory ☮ Bambú:
And still not done with her lunch
bozigle factory ☮ Bambú:
big corones... or he might be talking about something else
bozigle factory ☮ Bambú:
Red nose corpse bride
bozigle factory ☮ Bambú:
Only 3 portions for such a big guy
bozigle factory ☮ Bambú:
Petri, you have some pie in your ear
bozigle factory ☮ Bambú:
Laura, the serious one
bozigle factory ☮ Bambú:
Sara and the concept of feminine seduction
bozigle factory ☮ Bambú:
Clowning is a serious matter
bozigle factory ☮ Bambú:
A little bit of orange in all this red
bozigle factory ☮ Bambú:
Flying into my mouth
bozigle factory ☮ Bambú:
Final anticipation
bozigle factory ☮ Bambú:
Flying food
bozigle factory ☮ Bambú:
That yellow layer is a bit sour