bozigle factory ☮ Bambú: singer and interprets
bozigle factory ☮ Bambú: redhead on top of things
bozigle factory ☮ Bambú: heavy wait to carry
bozigle factory ☮ Bambú: kingdom heart for the pride
bozigle factory ☮ Bambú: injuries, so no dancing anymore
bozigle factory ☮ Bambú: Sara in the middle
bozigle factory ☮ Bambú: keeping the audience active, even early at morning
bozigle factory ☮ Bambú: falling in love with strangers
bozigle factory ☮ Bambú: very little dancing partner
bozigle factory ☮ Bambú: wearing ikea's colours
bozigle factory ☮ Bambú: Zambian vocal collecctive
bozigle factory ☮ Bambú: a seldom sight... he is not dancing.. almost not dancing... sort of
bozigle factory ☮ Bambú: look without hands
bozigle factory ☮ Bambú: touch of pink here, touch of red there
bozigle factory ☮ Bambú: pinkish or red hair