tom.mac: Cochlearia micacea (Small Alpine Scurvy-grass).
tom.mac: Lychns alpina (Alpine Catchfly).
tom.mac: Silene suecica, formerly Lychnis alpina (Alpine Catch-fly).
tom.mac: Galium sterneri (Limestone Bedstraw)
tom.mac: Gymnadenia borealis (Heath Fragrant Orchid).
tom.mac: Dactylorhiza incarnata ssp. coccinea (Early Marsh Orchid)
tom.mac: Ranunculus trichophyllus (Thread-leaved Crowfoot)
tom.mac: Arabis alpina (Alpine Rockcress).
tom.mac: Arabis alpina (Alpine Rockcress).
tom.mac: Coir' a Tairneilear, Black Cuillins, Skye.
tom.mac: Meum athamanticum (Spignel)~the ambillifer.
tom.mac: Oxytropis halleri (Purple Oxytropis) with Potentilla crantzii (Alpine Cinquefoil).
tom.mac: Scheuchzeria palustris (Rannoch Rush)~seed capsules [macro]
tom.mac: Cicuta virosa (Cowbane).
tom.mac: Lycopodium annonitum (Interupted Clubmoss)
tom.mac: The UK rare Phyllodoce caerulea (Blue Heath)~post flowering.
tom.mac: Phyllodoce caerulea (Blue Heath)~post flowering.
tom.mac: Rannoch Rush (Scheuchzeria palustris)~fruiting capsules.
tom.mac: Drosera anglica (Great Sundew)~with Buachaille Etive Mor back-drop.
tom.mac: Vicia sylvatica (Wood Vetch).
tom.mac: Crepis molis (Northern Hawksbeard)~population at Weem Meadow.
tom.mac: Rannoch Rush (Scheuchzeria palustris)~forming post flowering seed capsules.
tom.mac: Ranunculus lingua (Greater Spearwort)
tom.mac: Ranunculus lingua (Greater Spearwort).
tom.mac: Lysimachia thyrsiflora (Tufted Loosestrife).
tom.mac: Linnaea borealis (Twin Flower)~well, almost a twin !!
tom.mac: Carex maritima (Curved Sedge) - [macro image].
tom.mac: Carex maritima (Curved Sedge).
tom.mac: Salix repens (Creeping Willow).
tom.mac: Oxytropis halleri (Purple oxytropis).