Bostelle: This is why I did a test batch: oven is too hot. Outside is overcooked but the insides are nice!
Bostelle: Half crowns
Bostelle: Beware of dog: this person has the kind of sense of humor I understand!
Bostelle: Wild strawberries
Bostelle: Bloom
Bostelle: Its springtime in Tacoma and the mutant asparagus are about to bloom
Bostelle: I like that the instructions for beets are like "get them hot and then slip them out of their skins." #sexybeets
Bostelle: Little puppy, you're the one. You make nap time lots of fun! #pibble
Bostelle: Unlock your #higherself #vegan < #freegan < #racoon
Bostelle: Crazy Ronaldo
Bostelle: Eye against eye. #porkchopexpress #puppy
Bostelle: #springishere #oreopeeps
Bostelle: "Rip a selfie" #rocks #cannonbeach
Bostelle: One eyed Willy
Bostelle: Dick hole #cannonbeach
Bostelle: Life flowers in unusual places
Bostelle: A fellow of infinite jest, of most excellent fancy..
Bostelle: Avie has this in her room. She's the most #woke person I know.
Bostelle: My house is leaking water and my front door key broke. I think my house is rebelling against me. #FalloutTacoma
Bostelle: Snapshot of Tacoma or Screengrab from Fallout 4? #1 #FalloutTacoma
Bostelle: Pop bottles glisten Yellow in the morning sun Filled with piss, of course
Bostelle: Here's my street view
Bostelle: #washington
Bostelle: Hungry like the wolf
Bostelle: #kleinbottle #nonorientablesurface
Bostelle: Father's Day
Bostelle: Lil Hiker
Bostelle: Avie-waves
Bostelle: Avie-tree
Bostelle: quartz