sophisto: floor's installation
sophisto: floor in the jazz cafe
sophisto: jef's installation
sophisto: sabrina's woolen piece for nina
sophisto: marieke and noah
sophisto: graeme asks for it
sophisto: marieke in costume for her performance
sophisto: nina's installation
sophisto: PICT2093
sophisto: PICT1999
sophisto: PICT2139
sophisto: sabrina's woolen piece for jef
sophisto: sabrina and cian
sophisto: nina in sabrina's installation
sophisto: the artists all together
sophisto: salty sweet, tasty treat
sophisto: your memory of amsterdam
sophisto: the crew discusses
sophisto: party pix
sophisto: dinner is served
sophisto: jef shows all how it's done
sophisto: 103_0587
sophisto: noah takes us for a ride
sophisto: Cian McGonn finally arrives from Cork!
sophisto: floor's breasts
sophisto: nina and maggie catch snow flakes
sophisto: jef and jim hook up for the 1st time in 2 years!
sophisto: it snows
sophisto: PICT1823
sophisto: DSC00664