Bookishly Fab: Little Miss Sass.
Bookishly Fab: Margaret loves this rhino at the zoo. Second pic is her trying to pick him up to take him home.
Bookishly Fab: Took the plunge and got a Marvel Unlimited subscription. Starting with some recs from a coworker. Yay comics on my iPad!
Bookishly Fab: Frappy hour! M drinking daddy's "coffee." Apparently everything at Starbucks is coffee to her.
Bookishly Fab: Margaret pulled my May #sasockclub bag today!
Bookishly Fab: Someone found the Playdoh sets we were hiding for later from her birthday. This is in addition to two other sets that were already open.
Bookishly Fab: New backpack! She didn't want to take it off at school this morning.
Bookishly Fab: We need to talk about your TPS reports, daddy.
Bookishly Fab: We went to see Captain America today and I did my first ever theater knitting. Put almost an inch on the cuffs! Good movie too! :)
Bookishly Fab: Yummy tea from Quinton's (thanks @fabgeekmom and @1000milesman) and a library book.
Bookishly Fab: Shrimp fried rice. Yum!
Bookishly Fab: Windy Easter egg hunt. I'm pretty sure she thinks the bunny that has been in our yard this week left the eggs. "Where's Margaret's bunny?"
Bookishly Fab: Progress on April #sasockclub socks. STR lightweight in Tinks Toots.
Bookishly Fab: Fun with chalk.
Bookishly Fab: Knitting while M watches animal videos on YouTube and has "bubbie's cereal." She doesn't need my help with the YouTube app at all.
Bookishly Fab: #tbt Then and now.
Bookishly Fab: Margaret knows how to rock the Passover Seder. She partied her clothes right off. Too much grape juice I guess.
Bookishly Fab: Cool building on the way out of DC.
Bookishly Fab: Great conference, but I'm ready to get back to my people.
Bookishly Fab: Fire pit knitting. Working on a Hitchhiker shawl.
Bookishly Fab: Sushi place has awesome scrapbooked menu.
Bookishly Fab: Night time fun at Computers in Libraries.
Bookishly Fab: Eagle photobomb!
Bookishly Fab: Turtles getting some sun this morning.
Bookishly Fab: Waiting for friends for a relaxing Friday girls night.