cmu chem prof: Hawkeye View
cmu chem prof: Park And Ride
cmu chem prof: Civic Immortality
lolodoc: Lépidoptère, Guyane
javan123: daisy luv
CrzysChick: Day 25: Bail!
jooka5000: shadows on your side
markoh2011: kingfisher
arnitr: Cows on endless fields
Daniela Duncan: The tail
Tom Doll: DDS Miki Hoshii Custom
Ray Radlein: Jewel Staite Blinks
Danny Beattie: Say... Cheeeeeese.....
bobbsled: N905NA and Discovery 5
Mike Warren CHS: 20120330-dsc_7325-1
Piotr Organa: Trick or treat?
Slingher: Ares launch 7
Peluna: Tea Bag - Strobist Sundays
Dizzy Girl: Wormsloe Plantation Drive
gia_365days: autumn series
dog ma: He makes me laugh just by being..
LauriePix1: Flower detail
WilbaAtFlickr: Lonely Petal
Jeanette Svensson: Water statuette
Peluna: Bubblewrap - Macro Mondays
Peluna: Found Objects - Strobist Sundays Exercise
Leon Oosthuizen: Death stare
Express Monorail: Happy HalloWishes: A Grim Grinning Ghosts Spooktacular in the Sky