Bookeditor: All I need are some tasty waves. #bartrait #spicoli
Bookeditor: Lovely sunset in Strasbourg for our final night in Alsace.
Bookeditor: Colmar Homes #alsace
Bookeditor: Broke my mini-fast (Happy New Year!) with a splurge meal. Fabulous end to our stay in Rouffach... #alsace #michelinmeal
Bookeditor: Tarte Flambee! #alsace #bacon
Bookeditor: Day #2 = Wandering (18k+ steps) and eating our way through Colmar.... #alsace #foie #cheese #wine
Bookeditor: Thankfully the carpet does not match the drapes/wallpaper in our castle hotel. #alsace #france
Bookeditor: Not a bad first day in, amazing food, charming picturesque towns, and a few castles.
Bookeditor: Late night arrival--this is all the kitchen could send to our room. #alsace #france
Bookeditor: Holy moly...never thought I'd fall asleep in church. #coolhotel
Bookeditor: Over here it's totally cool to eat a cookie sandwich for breakfast. #speculoos
Bookeditor: Belgian home cooking at it's finest: Witloof rolletjes met hesp en kaassaus! Thank you Tante Lieve--Het was heel lekker.
Bookeditor: Proper fish n' chips for our last dinner in #london. #dietplate
Bookeditor: Just saying--you don't want to know what I ate today. #london #notoffal
Bookeditor: Walking by Old Brompton Cemetery at night. #london #creepy
Bookeditor: We went to a local pub and accidentally ate one of the best meals we've ever had... #london @harwoodarms
Bookeditor: Fish + Chips + Mushy Peas #london #boroughmarket
Bookeditor: Oompa Loompa #tubetrait #london #underground
Bookeditor: A tip of the hat to my high school and craving for Thai food...Thanks @jenizzy626 for recommending!
Bookeditor: Vendor Reception provided great vantage point to see #TopDrawer
Bookeditor: Banner 1st day! Straight from flight to booth set-up--and then the NPG and a late dinner at Polpo. Ready to pass out--just hope I can sleep! #jetlag
Bookeditor: Up up and away...cheerio and all that.
Bookeditor: The heat was on and we all felt it after a long day... #hotcitynights #bartrait
Bookeditor: Crazy beautiful day spent with my BFFs up in Orinda. #adultswim
Bookeditor: All of the Bay Area can probably hear this concert...oh Billy Joel--you sure can play that piano...
Bookeditor: Johnny's first #fistpump (captured while babysitting last night)
Bookeditor: Sunset Bay Side #lastnight #sad #oceancity
Bookeditor: Friends for over three decades!
Bookeditor: he went in before I did. #oceancity
Bookeditor: To go in...or not go in. #beachdilemma