tannergaucher: new york 2016
John G Meadows: Another Van Dyke Brown Print
NooFZz: beautiful stranger 2
dipositif: '14.08.12
dipositif: '14.07.23
geraldfigal: Safa (tintype from shot of computer screen)
TheDagLab: 1884m 4x5 tintype
p_a_u_l_o: Boki Toned Sun Exposed
BosseB: Time is nigh
isvibilsky: Land of Ghosts and Shadows
Nic Rose: empty wedding 2
n1ck fr0st: lisa&den 001
Charles Wheelihan: Wet plate collodion - whole plate tintypes
Sid Ceaser Photography: Tintype Wedding 20x24
somejerkwithacamera: amy cyanotype
tupakamoru: FOMA Liquid emulsion on paper project -alternative photography process
Jenj@n: loup 2
Victor Senkov: "Lure"
ray_bidegain: Emogene
ray_bidegain: Portrait of N.