Bingeye: 026
cindyloughridge: I dream for a living
cindyloughridge: Time is like the wind, it lifts the light and leaves the heavy
cindyloughridge: Like a dream in the night…who can say where we're going
cindyloughridge: sidewalk sale
cindyloughridge: But you and I, I think we can take it
cindyloughridge: The truth is, sometimes things don't happen to you for a reason. Sometimes it's just about being in the right place at the right time for someone else
tonyng: Sunrise in Clearwater Bay
cindyloughridge: She'll lead you down a path, there'll be tenderness in the air
cindyloughridge: Coffee smells like freshly ground heaven
cindyloughridge: I found I could say things with color and shapes that I couldn't say any other way - things I had no words for
cindyloughridge: There were times apart, there were times together
by_man4u: IMG_8627
by_man4u: IMG_8557
`Kevin Wang: LOVE me
ocean&: 請再陪我走過青春。
cindyloughridge: Today was good. Today was fun. Tomorrow is another one
cindyloughridge: There is a place where the sidewalk ends
RL77: crystal-3
好運將: 日月潭
cindyloughridge: Two souls, one heart
cindyloughridge: a girl with the sun of her youth at her back