skinnygreys: slow looking at green things
skinnygreys: slow looking at green things
skinnygreys: [layers] We don’t need to control every detail. Sometimes, in the unpredictable mess of everyday living, there is a simple beauty. Everything coming together in an unexpected harmony.
skinnygreys: the light at sunset spills over
skinnygreys: the light at sunset spills over
skinnygreys: the light at sunset spills over
skinnygreys: The train stopped for a long time, trying to awaken its passengers to the beauty it sees every single day.
skinnygreys: Stairs, you're taking my breath away. In more ways than one. Two ways, to be exact.
skinnygreys: found a pathway to the sun
skinnygreys: souvenirs from the sea
skinnygreys: Lombok Airport
skinnygreys: #stairs
skinnygreys: #stairs