Christopher Blizzard: Not bad for 6 volts.
agent1320: Jeep
unflavoredTrash: Chris really wanted a screenshot of iPhoto's face recognition capabilities.
ChurchOfBK: IMG_9947
ChurchOfBK: IMG_9975
fiberstrobe: fiberstrobeV3_07
Ken Keirns / k2: Super Model
morgamic: Sunset from The Rock
@mands: zé grandão
Rudolf_Henning: Computer & gun shop
mleonv: Happiness happens...
Thomas Shahan: The "Apache Jumper " (Phidippus apacheanus) - With Video!
soupboy: canyon flower
The Searcher: Beginner's Bible Coloring Book!
nickk88: Crash and burn!
renata ®: Lolla
cookie0482: TUCKER! 11 WEEKS
javadoug: moss capsules
dudley72: blue tit
strobist: 240th-f4-No-Flash
yudenon: P3070766-1
Ok Pablo, it's alright.: Le estoy hablando a usted, no se haga el tonto!